About Prairie Chicken Design

Photography Reimagined

Prairie Chicken Design (PCD) is a Winona, MN based-company whose mission is to bring into every home Prairie and Western Photography, Art and other renderings reimagined through their application to various home decor and other soft goods. The focus on imagery and home and soft goods is to ensure we can provide a tangible representation of life on the prairie and parts west presenting the rich history, expansive spaces, and life of this important region - past and present.

PCD’s focus is not only on imagery and reimagining those images through its application to goods but to be a source of information on a broad range of Prairie and Western topics which can be seen in our BLOG. We will BLOG about a wide variety of related topics in order to provide those who are interested in both learning more about the Prairie and the West but as a source of information on current topics, happenings and events so check back often.